

Introducing Oumarou to the world! (or the new image I created for Oumarou)

So, this is Oumarou, the child who inspired the name for the "Project/Program Oumarou" health and hope for the "victims of the silence" (deaf children). "Oumarou" encourages people to godfather one of these kids, so they can go to a special school where they will learn to speak with "sign language", and they will learn a profession in order to "have a future". In Burkina Faso, deaf people are marginalized, and unless you have money to pay one of this schools, you don't have a future. "With your help, we can help them", thats what emsimision thinks, and with the slogan: "health and hope here, there, now" they will certainly make a difference in this broken world!

WHY A BIRD? The bird is Oumarou's pet. He's a deaf child so he doesn't know how sounds the music, or his mum calling his name, or how a bird sings. Emsimision helps him, so now, he's not alone anymore, he could listen to a bird for the first time. He loved so much that sound, that they becomed friends.


Postales l'Arcada

L'Arcada son unos campamentos de verano que se hacen cerca de Banyoles (Girona). Cuenta con programas para todas las edades, gustos y colores: campamentos de inglés, campamento de indios, campamento de familias, campus de básquet, campamento de aventura... y por supuesto, necesita un montón de voluntarios que vengan a ayudar a hacer todo esto posible!

"The greatest adventure was to make great friends"

"Summer love"

"Overcome your expectations"

"At school they say we have to cross an ocean to be at the United States"

"It's a hard work, but it has its reward" (L'Arcada Team)

"Cooking can be exciting!"(L'Arcada Team)

"Rediscover your gifts" (L'Arcada Team)

"You end up in the most unexpected place" (L'Arcada Team)

"Yes. I love kids" (L'Arcada team)

"It's a team work" (l'Arcada team)

"We are the García family and, even it doesn't look like, we are from Mollet" (L'Arcada family camp)

"You are never too old to do the indian" ("to do the indian" it's a spanish expression that means: to play the fool or play around)

"Doing the indian without mum getting mad" (L'Arcada indian camp)

"It's never too late to do the indian" (l'Arcada Indian camp)

"Reach out/Jump to a different summer!"

"And we were sleeping in tipis!"